Campeche, Mexico

Mexico, Campeche: Campeche, May 23 - 31, 2025

Mission Purpose – To bring compassionate medical care and the message of the Gospel to the people of Campeche, Campeche Mexico.

Click Here for Campeche Mission 2025 Info

Mission History:  This will be the second mission trip to Campeche, Mexico. To date, HHMM has conducted 57 missions to this region of the world. Over 1370 missionaries have attended to the needs ofImg 1868 over 59,000 patients. Additionally, over 4800 people have received dental care and 974 major surgeries. 

The overall impact has been positive, we have been able to develop good relationships with local church and other local officials. Our future plans include continuing to build the mission and to offer medical students an opportunity to serve on a mission during spring break.

Destinations: After the mission is complete; we close with the farewell dinner. Upon returning to Mexico City we go on a Pilgrimage to visit our Lady of Guadalupe’s Shrine.  These are the words spoken by Blessed Virgin Mary at the hill of Tepeyac to Saint Juan Diego:  

Our Lady of Guadelupe

"Am I not here, I, who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more? Let nothing else worry you, disturb you.”


Local Needs –The people suffer from Hypertension, diabetes, respiratory and gastric infections, skin diseases, others.

Recommended Vaccinations: Learn more Here.

Non-surgical: This is a non-surgical mission

Types of specialties needed for this mission:

  • Primary Care Providers (Physicians, Physician Assistants (PA's),Img 1811
  • Nurse Practitioners (NP’s)
  • Dentistry: Dentists and Dental Hygienists
  • Optometrists
  • Pharmacists and pharmacy Techs
  • Nursing: RN’s and LVN’s
  • Physical Therapist and Chiropractor
  • Counseling
  • Natural Family Planning Instructors 
  • Non-medical volunteers
  • Spanish Translators