El Salvador, Ateos

El Salvador, Ateos - Mission Dates: March 14-22, 2025

Mission Purpose – To bring compassionate care and the message of the Gospel to the people of Ateos, in El Salvador.

Mission History:  The first mission trip to Ateos, El Salvador was in 2015. To date, HHMM has conducted 7 missions to this region of the world.  A total of 203  missionaries have attended to the needs of over 11,300 patients. 

The overall impact has been positive, we have been able to develop good relationships with many people in the region.  Our future plans include continuing to work in Ateos, Sacacoyo, Cuisnahuat, and San Pablo Tacachico. Our team has been well received by the communities in need. We have the support of the local Catholic Church, and the Health Ministry continues to grant us the necessary permits. 

Local Needs – The mission setting is both Urban and rural. Local maladies include: Hypertension, diabetes, respiratory and gastric infections, skin diseases, etc. 

Additional Services: Helping Hands Missionaries have teamed up with international and local water filtration companies to offer the people of the region cleaner drinking water thus helping with the Providing prevention of gastrointestinal infections.

Non-Surgical: This is not a surgical mission.

Types of specialties needed for this mission:

  • Family Medicine Providers (Physicians, Physician Assistants (PA's), Nurse Practitioners (NP’s)
  • Dentistry: Dentists and Dental Hygienists
  • Optometrists
  • Pharmacists and pharmacy Techs
  • Nursing: RN’s and LVN’s
  • Physical Therapist and Chiropractor
  • Counseling
  • Natural Family Planning Instructors 
  • Non-medical volunteers
  • Spanish Translators