El Salvador - Agape

El Salvador- Agape: October 25-Nov. 2, 2024

Mission Purpose: To bring compassionate care and the message of the Gospel to the people of Sonsonte, El Salvador.

Mission History:  The first mission trip to, Santiago Texacuangos, El Salvador was in 1999.  To date, HHMM has conducted 19 missions to this region of El Salvador.  Close to 830 missionaries have attended to the needs of over 52,700 patients.  Over 960 surgeries have been conducted and over 3,200 people have been treated by our dentists.

The overall impact has been positivGroup Picture 2e; we have been able to develop good relationships with many people in the region.  Our future plans include continuing to work in Santiago Texacuangos. Our team has been well received by the communities in need. We have the support of the local Catholic Church.  The Health Ministry continues to grant us the necessary permission and permits.

Local Needs: The mission setting is both Urban and rural. Local maladies include: Hypertension, diabetes, respiratory and gastric infections, skin diseases, etc. 

Vaccination: Learn more Here.

Surgical: This is a surgical mission.

Types of specialties needed for this mission:

  • Family Medicine Providers (Physicians, Physician Assistants (PA's), Nurse Practitioners (NP’s)
  • Surgery: General surgeons  
  • Anesthesia: Anesthesiologist and CRNA's
  • Dentistry: Dentists and Dental Hygienists
  • Optometrists
  • Pharmacists and pharmacy Techs
  • Nursing: RN’s and LVN’s
  • OR personnel: Scrub and Circulating Nurses or Techs
  • Physical Therapist and Chiropractor
  • Counseling
  • Natural Family Planning Instructors 
  • Non-medical volunteers