For over 20 years Helping Hands Medical Missions has been delivering compassionate healthcare and the Gospel to the most needy in the developing world.

Witnessing the truths of the Catholic faith to our brothers and sisters in the developing world, many who have never been taught the Holy Faith or have fallen away from the Catholic Church.
Taking the time to treat the whole person; body, mind and soul.
If delivering compassionate healthcare and the truths of the Gospel are important to you then please consider supporting our mission. You can make a donation online at this page or print out the donation form below and mail it with your contribution. Please know that we are most grateful for your generosity and we will continue to strive to give our best to serve the poor on every mission we undertake. Please help us in this battle!
Areas you can support:
Each year HHMM supplies a significant amount of medicines and vitamins to our patients in the developing world. Your gift will help us to offset the cost of purchasing these vital medicines.
Gifts in Kind
For more information please contact Gloria at our International Headquarters at:
Chaplain Fund
A number of our Chaplains are priests from religious orders and do not make a salary. Therefore, it has been the long-standing tradition of HHMM to pay for the mission fee and transportation (plane tickets).
General Mission Fund
These gifts are allocated to the area most in need.
Ways you can contribute:
Cash - Cash or cash equivalents including currency, money orders, checks, credit/debit cards and wire transfers are acceptable.
IRA Charitable Rollover – Taxpayers 70 ½ and older can make a gift to support our mission directly from their IRA.
Sample IRA Charitable Rollover Letter
Stock – Please contact our National Office for the Stock Transfer Form - [email protected] or (972) 253-1800.
Check – please print and mail this donation form:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 171088
Irving, TX 75017-1088
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (972) 253-1800
Remember HHMM in your will/trust or as a beneficiary designee.
Legal Title: Helping Hands Medical Mission, Inc.
Tax I.D. Number: 75-2735085
Credit card/Pay Pal One-time or Monthly Donation - Payment Information
Make this payment from your Credit Card or Bank Account by printing and filling out this form, or by following the link below: